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11 usages: my experience of using sticky notes in the workplace

Publish Time: 2021-07-21     Origin: Site

This article combines the practice of myself and my colleagues to sort out a set of workplace usage and share it with everyone.

Many people like to keep the books tidy and unwilling to paint on them. At this time, you can choose to write it on the sticky note and then paste it on the book, which is a compromise. Since the sticky notes can be attached and torn off very conveniently, it can be used as a bookmark.

Many colleagues put up notes on key information pages when reporting their work to the leader to facilitate the leader's quick positioning. Before reporting the work, we need to have a preparation: If the leader suddenly has something and only gives himself three minutes, what should be said? This requires an outline of the content. There is a good way, that is: try to write the key content on a post-it note. Because the space is so big, I force myself to refine my views.

Why are people anxious? In many cases, because it is too messy, I always feel that something important is forgotten. The solution is: when the matter comes, write it down on the sticky note and post it where you can notice. 

We can also sort the work order through the color of the post-it notes, for example: red means important and urgent. Blue means important and not urgent, green means not important but urgent. The yellow ones are not urgent but not important. In this way, you can manage your energy allocation immediately.

Many times, we have to think about creative issues through the team. At this time, you can use the method of brainstorming. In some meetings, we will find that some members are introverted and are not good at expressing opinions in public. However, their views may be very helpful to the team. At this time, we can consider letting them write on the sticky notes first and then post them. In this way, we can also get more comprehensive information.

For the team, it is very important to form work consensus. Only when the top and bottom are concentric, can we form a joint force. Some teams will organize meetings for everyone to sort out what has been done, what has not been done, and what should be the next step. Post-it notes, everyone knows the progress and the goals are clear.

For example, when conceiving an article, you first write down ideas, then classify them, and finally get the main structure of the article, followed by filling. Humans are emotional animals. I will write a motto on the workbench. When I am slack, I take a look and tell myself: The years are long, and those who are busy urge themselves.

This is a scene often used in training, such as letting everyone think more about whether to do one thing, that is: prepare a blank paper. Draw SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) on paper. Next, let the students write down the content they want on the sticky note, and then paste it in the corresponding module. This will require a structured arrangement.

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