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The important role of sticky notes in brainstorming

Publish Time: 2021-07-02     Origin: Site

Every company organizes a creative and creative brainstorming meeting, and always distributes the convenience sign. The host will solemnly ask everyone to write good ideas on the convenience sign and discuss with each other. However, the results have not been very good in recent times. If you think about it carefully, the problem may lie in the use of convenience visas.

Regarding what the convenience visa is, I want to explain it again. I personally believe that the convenience visa was invented by the Americans and embodies the American spirit of freedom, democracy and equality.

Tolstoy once said that happy families are similar, and unfortunate families have their own misfortunes. But the results of the brainstorming are somewhat opposite. A successful brainstorming meeting seems extremely chaotic, as if there are no rules, but every failed brainstorming session is extremely similar, it is extremely silent, and the final conclusion is extremely clear. The clearest brainstorming result I have seen is: No, there is no possibility of success for this project, so don't do it.

First, post-it notes must be "messed up" on the wall. Because everyone posted them at different times during the discussion; during the discussion, the post-it notes may be repeatedly taken down, sorted and combined, so they appear in different positions, and it is impossible to "horizontally and vertically" neatly. 

Second, the post-it notes must be "colorful", which means that the number of participants in this brainstorming is relatively large. It is a pack of post-it notes with several colors. If there are only two people, there are at most 2 colors. 

Third, the characters on the sticky notes are written in large pens and "scribbles". The font is scribbled, the single word is the main word, and the sentence is not clear, indicating that it was written during the discussion, and the simple graphics illustrate the attempt to illustrate the problem with graphics during the discussion. 

Fourth, the different post-it notes circled each other and appeared in different fonts, indicating that everyone had summarized their opinions during the discussion process, and different colleagues added different opinions.

Contrary to the above, brainstorming activities that failed to use sticky notes.

First, the sticky notes are very neat, indicating that the sticky notes are posted by one person, and other people sit and read them. There is basically no discussion in the process. 

Second, the color of the post-it notes is particularly consistent. The fewer the post-it notes, the fewer people are participating. In addition, the post-it notes of the same color are pasted in one area, which means that the post-it notes will never be pasted without saying a word. 

Third, write normal characters with normal pen, only words and no pictures. During the explanatory process, everyone was sitting on the table and writing "seriously and carefully", so the sentences were complete and neat. 

Fourth, the sticky notes are clean, indicating that everyone has finished writing and posted them on the wall in order, without much discussion. What's more, all post-it notes have only one font, which can only be said to be a total failure of brainstorming, or even fraud.

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