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How to organize and save my notebook?

Views: 100     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-03-17      Origin: Site

In combing one's own life and establishing a self-management system, one must get rid of the habit of using notebooks and become more efficient.


First of all, in terms of organizing notebooks, first find out all the notebooks, and then classify them according to the frequency of use. Finally, archive and discard the notebook: take photos and archive, and throw away the useless.

Notebooks can be classified according to frequency of use, not content. You can divide them into the following categories: frequently used notebooks that you will carry with you for taking notes, such as calendars, diaries and memos you are using. Notebooks that are not commonly used now, but will definitely be useful in the future, such as a diary that has been written and a summary of knowledge points. A notebook that is not commonly used, but may be useful in the future. Leave the notebooks that you don’t use at first, and you won’t use it again, such as drafts and other notebooks you don’t use.

Discarding notebooks follows a principle: the fewer notebooks left, the better. This is convenient for future management. Next, let's talk about the treatment of notebooks in each category: they are not commonly used but will be used in the future. Keep them, but we need to see if it can be normalized, that is, to merge notebooks with the same content.

For notebooks that are not commonly used but may be used in the future, take photos of useful parts and archive them into electronic versions, save them on a computer, or upload them to a cloud disk, and then discard them directly. Remember to tear off the part that contains your privacy before throwing it away. Throw away the ones you will never use again. Refer to the previous one if you are reluctant to throw them away.

So the general method of organizing is to scan the notebook into an electronic version, then throw away the paper version, and finally put the remaining notebooks in one place.


So how to maintain a notebook that has been organized? The answer is: develop a good habit of using notebooks.

You can choose to use loose-leaf notebooks. There are many advantages of loose-leaf notebooks. For example, when writing on the left page, if the loop is awkward, you can take the page down and write it, and put it back after writing. You can freely adjust the paper pages, pay attention to one theme per paper, so that it is easy to adjust. Poorly written note pages can be replaced with organized note pages.

For diaries and other books with fixed functions that do not need to be changed frequently, use a fixed-page book.

The above is how to organize and save your notebook. You can choose the appropriate method yourself.

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