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5 ways to sell greeting cards online

Views: 99     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-10-26      Origin: Site

It is easy to think that physical greeting cards are a thing of the past, so many people choose to send quick e-cards or short messages on social media channels. This is true; the gift card has been changed and as a creative, we need to adapt to this market. However, many events and milestones are still worth using a physical card, and the recipient will feel much special when they receive a card. Birthdays, weddings, and Thanksgiving are occasions where physical greeting cards are still needed.


Some things haven't changed much. When buying a greeting card, there are two kinds of people: the person who reads the card before buying it and the person who looks at the image on the cover, and takes it to the cash register without opening the card.

I hope the cards I send make sense to their recipients. I hope they will either laugh out loud or tear it up and hug me. It was this love of emotion and funny cards that started my own process of designing cards. Here, I want to show you several routes you can take to sell cards online.

1.Upload the design to on-demand printing sites such as Zazzle.

Some people sell cards through the Zazzle website. There are other similar print-on-demand sites, including Cafe Press and Red Bubble. If you are not familiar with the term "print on demand", it means that when someone makes a purchase, the company will print the previously uploaded image on the product. Customers on the site can find products they like, customize them as needed, then print them and send them to them.

2.Sell handmade cards on Etsy or other markets.

If you design handmade cards, there are many sites to sell them. Unlike the print-on-demand sites I mentioned above, there is a certain cost in making cards. However, although the cost of making each card is higher, the profit is also higher.

3.Build your own website to sell your cards.

Nothing prevents you from setting up your own website to sell the cards you created. There are two ways to do this. One is to create a website where you can place orders and then send the cards to your customers. The other method is easier and involves having your own website but not handling product production, orders or shipping.

4.Sell the message and design to an existing greeting card company.

Another option is to sell designs, ideas, poems, and sayings to an existing greeting card company instead of selling your own greeting cards. Hallmark is the most famous, but they have in-house designers and writers. Don't be bothered by this, because there are many smaller niche companies that buy many designs from freelancers. They pay these freelancers for the legal rights of card designs, messages or poems.

5.Meet the custom greeting card requirements on the freelancer website.

The final option is to respond to a request on the freelancer website. If you go this route, you will handle the specific requirements of your customers. This is different from other options that you create and then sell. Here, your customers come to you to let you understand their needs. Although these sites provide many unrelated services, freelancers can create custom birthday, anniversary or Christmas greeting cards for their clients.


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