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How long will you keep the card after you receive it?

Views: 76     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-10-28      Origin: Site

What will you do after receiving the card? See if the following processing methods are the same as yours.


I put the universal Christmas card on the piano cover until the end of Christmas, and the rest of the Christmas ornaments fell off. Then they are recycled.

Cards with photos on them (Christmas or other gifts) will be kept in the refrigerator until the photos are updated, although sometimes I will keep a particularly good photo card for a longer period of time. After that, I kept my favorites (in a box in the office with other photos) and threw away the more boring photos.

Cards like my birthday or thank you cards are often recycled after I read them. I have no birthday decorations, so the display card for this is strange to me. I will keep some (especially the thank you letter, or the card with a long message from my mother) for rereading. Those are in the box in my office.

Basically: I keep a few cards with repetitive emotional value, which will help me feel connected with the sender. However, if it's just a card, it's just a signature, and send it as a gesture, I won't keep it. You can drown yourself on paper and try to keep every communication.

I divide the cards into two categories. Those who care about sending and those who think cards should be sent.

Cards sent by people who really care about sending emails often carry meaningful information, and it is shameful to lose this information. I put them in the box, in the garage. They are very few.

I will lose the rest within a few weeks after the incident. If someone really doesn't bother to find a card that appeals to you, or even consider the words in it (we have done it all), then you will be very angry when you recycle it and use it again.

The appropriate time to keep the card is seven days. "How long do you have to wait to throw them away?" I rewritten it as "How long should you wait to remove them from the display?" There are many reasons not to throw the cards in the trash out of courtesy and consideration. But it may be sufficient to stuff it in the drawer for a while before discarding it.

There are some birthday cards, thank you for your attention, one of them will never be discarded in the trash can and will be kept for months or years.

You can also reuse them. I like to put them in a small gift box. If they have nothing special, I will recycle them in about a month.

I will keep some cards. For example, my sister used to paint and do other arts. She only gave me three cards. I keep them because she rarely gives me anything. Another time, when my niece was a baby, she sent me a Christmas card with prints of her hands and feet.

Cards provided by the staff or cards from people I hardly know. One week later, I might keep these cards in the drawer for one year.

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